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Snooker's Legacy award and other news

Paul Shadinger

I guess I need to start with apologies. I’ve been sadly remiss in posting to my blog. In my defense, last July I ended up with a detached retina and to get it fixed ASAP. The doctor installed a Silicon oil bubble behind my right eye to force the retina to reattach itself. This has really screwed up my vision and I have not been able to write since procedure this was done. Everything was supposed to be reversed on the 19th of December, but I ended up with a cold and sore throat on the 18th so we are waiting for it to move on before they can remove the oil bubble. Seeing for me right now is a real challenge.

On a brighter note, last September I received an email that I had won a bronze medal in the category of fiction-intrigue from Readers Favorite. We had sent in a copy of Snookers Legacy to their yearly International Writing Contest some time ago and were taken by surprise at becoming an award winner. There was an awards banquet during the big Miami Book Show, Sandy and I drove over to Miami and I was called up on stage and presented with my award. I feel honored and humbled since I write because I like telling my stories and never thought of them as award winning. I’m pleased when people read and enjoy my novels, but I didn’t feel my stuff is award-winning! (Who knew, life takes strange paths sometimes). Like I said, thank you one and all for reading my novels.

I expected to have book SIX (still looking for a name for that one) out by now, or at least very close to done, but as I mentioned due to my eye I have not been able to write. I believe this will change very soon.

Regarding upcoming events, this coming January 18th, 2020, which is a Saturday, a local ice cream parlor is hosting a book signing event for me. Sylwia’s Ice Cream parlor in Cape Coral (and yes, that is spelled correctly. Sylwia is Polish and that’s how Sylvia is spelled in Poland) will be hosting book signing for me from 1 PM to 3:30 PM. Anybody who purchases a book gets a dollar off the purchase of an ice cream purchase; they have the best homemade ice cream (it’s worth stopping by just for that). I’d love to see as many of you as possible.

I hope all of you had a great Holiday Season and I would like to wish each and every one of you the best New Year possible. It’s frightening how quickly time seems to fly by, I guess we just have to take each day and savor it.

A happy and healthy 2020 to all …

Paul's Award for Snooker's Legacy

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